Shine your light & stand tall.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Of the many virtues that become an integral part of our inner being patience is the one thing that I am normally not in short order of!  Whenever there is an expectation then impatience arises inside and the feeling is like anxiety.  The key is to not become attached to the outcomes of any of your efforts of projects.  Stay focused and work diligently then let the process take care of itself.  Where there is expectation there is a need for control and that takes the lesson to a deeper level.  Even though there may be years of purification and inner cleansing through meditation and spiritual practices under the guidance of a spiritual master there is still the human urge to want outcomes to manifest.

That being said don't let a few incidents feel that you have lost ground.  Other feelings of attachment are part of the awakened soul such as grieving when someone passes from this life.  In reality it is our own loss that we cannot bear because the soul that has been released doesn't grieve to return to this life.  We can all feel joys when our favorite officials are elected for example but the true joy and happiness inside doesn't belong or resonate with outside events.  Our soul loves to be in its own perfect joy that comes from uniting the soul with God.

Always seek to find truth in any situation no matter what and if that takes a long time you will benefit from the experience by learning patience.  God knows our nature and for everything there is a season.  Be kind with yourself and examine where your life is leading you today.  Fall is a season that reflects letting go of the old and getting ready for the winter which is a time for silence and stillness.  In the fall the leaves turn brilliant colors and naturally leave the safety of the tree to cover the earth and become a source of nourishment for other plants and animal life.  We too can let go of our outer coating and get back to our bare frame.  When we are stark sometimes we find that what is real and true for us remains and what isn't dear to our hearts is automatically dropped.  At times when we are feeling stretched we can unload the extra baggage that we tend to hold onto either emotionally or materially.  I have found that my life is more relaxed and pleasant when I simplify.

The topic of boundaries is very important to teach children when they are young.  Today I was troubled by articles about a three year old whose personal space was violated by airport security.  This kind of infringement is about our 4th Amendment Rights and they need to be protected at all costs.  Go to Judge Napolitano's web page for more details.  What I want to get across is that personal pictures should not be part of the government documentation about any individual.

Recently I visited a home of some friends and noticed that a male friend of theirs spent a vast amount of time with the children in an upstairs bedroom.  One would expect a male peer of the parents to spend time with other adults and not the children.  These types of boundary issues are difficult to address directly with parents and I hope that I won 't be put in that position of having to do so.  When there is confusion and mixed messages such as when certain people can become like family members - a sort of kinship that some western cultures have too - that invites problems with boundaries.  There are people with problem behaviors toward children and the job of parents is to protect children from them.

I have other projects that I will focus my time and energy on over the holidays.  Kenya is my childhood home and I have written about my experiences and started a book proposal.  Now that a legal issue is being brought out into the open I can concentrate my energies toward constructive future plans for publishing.  So in the end the expectations for one situation may be in my mind delayed but instead of trying to suppress the experience of impatience I can create a whole new channel for my productivity!  I look forward to the legal issues unfolding as they must now do as measures have been put into action.  I also can let that go and focus on the positive work ahead with writing and publishing.  I am now in the fall mode of life in the present moment instead of expecting certain outcomes and waisting my precious energy.

I am a professional life coach and can be reached at  I require that individual's meditate daily and follow a vegetarian diet.  I also recommend an antioxidant product at

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