Shine your light & stand tall.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Laws for nurses Rep. Tony Shipley (R-TN)

The one politician who is very much awake to the fact that there seems to be no oversight of the State Board of Nursing is Rep. Tony Shipley.  When he saw that the state board of nursing had disregarded state laws he took action to protect nurses who undergo state board discipline by writing two laws that a) any nurse who has a license suspended or revoked must be reported to a committee within 74 hours and b) any fines above $1,000 must also be reported.  I have checked various state web sites and some don't mention fines or the amounts they asked nurses to pay, others have listed up to $10,000.
I have heard that nurses are not supposed to be investigated while at work but whether this is an actual fact I really don't know.  I know from my personal experience that I had my license reinstated and then the case was sent out of state without notifying me.  I just happened to come across the charges when I applied to an agency I had previously worked for in that state.  In the meantime I had to find a lawyer who specialized in license law who responded within the allotted time frame, otherwise the whole thing would have been over with before I would have known about it.
My lawyer advised me to put together a portfolio to portray my professional experience and character with references etc.  I had signed up with a nursing agency I had once worked for and for months was unable to get an assignment.  One of my contacts on facebook asked me for a copy of my resume because he had a connection at a local mental health center and I presumed that he wanted to help.  Following this the agency offered me a three day assignment at a free standing hospital.  There were two building opposite each other housing three units.  Medications were missing on many of the patients and when I faxed orders to the pharmacy they didn't arrive until the following evening at 9 p.m. which is way to late to help.   On the second evening I followed a professional looking lady into one of the buildings and stood close by as she spoke to the staff at the desk.  She actively ignored me and I wondered why she was there and why she didn't want to acknowledge my presence.  The person whom she had spoken with said she was from the "Board,"  She went on to tell me that the Dept of Health & Environment was due to give an inspection the following morning.  My third shift was cancelled the next day.
I felt very uneasy about the whole experience and talked it over with a friend who was in disbelief too.  It seemed very odd that the agency had only ever offered me this one post and that I had sent my resume out just prior to this to someone with the same connections on facebook.  One in particular was appointed to head the Board of Healing Arts which essentially oversees the nursing boards and had been the Chair of the hospital.  All very odd!
I felt manipulated by the agency because I was only given this one assignment during the legal process I had to go through.  It was the timing and the events that took place that made me feel that there was collaboration between agencies.  Maybe they are allowed to do this but when you are one nurse up against such massive entities it is a little overwhelming to say the least.
Nurses will relate to this kind of experience and feel perhaps so overwhelmed and embattled and confused that it makes it harder to stand up for oneself.  But I want to encourage anyone who is going through the process to just do that and not let events side line you.   If you can put into writing what you know about the charges.  Unlike a charge from a court for instance, a nurse is not told what the charges are or who brought them about.  
When I was contacted initially by the Board of Nursing someone literally yelled at me over the phone.  I recommend now that if you are approached to be courteous and professional and state that you will give them your lawyer's contact information.  If you can hand them a card just do so, otherwise tell the person on the phone that you will have your lawyer contact them within 24 hours.
During this time of waiting and responding to charges try to do things that build your inner self up.  Do the things that support your physical well being such as good nutrition and rest.  Meditate daily by simply closing your eyes and sitting still.  Focus your attention between your eyes with your eyes closed and repeat whatever name of God is meaningful to you.  Ask for divine help and know that you will receive the guidance and protection that you pray for and take the necessary steps to find a good lawyer.
There are alternative careers for nurses and you might look into some of the areas of interest that would work for you and spend your time transitioning and choosing a different career while you go through the legal process.
In life we have so many opportunities to grow and part of that growth is letting go and expanding into new areas of interest.  Trust yourself that you can make it through the changes and look at ways of materializing the lifestyle and money that you need.  Try tapping for money as demonstrated by Margaret Lynch who helps people get rid of lower self blocks to achieving wealth and success in life.  Don't feel that you have been stripped of your power to earn money.  It just means that you will have to reorganize your life and give something else a shot.
I always recommend that you contact your local state representative and give as full an account of what happened and how the boards approached you and handled your case. 
Good luck and speed with your process and changes that you need to make for yourself.  You can do it and you will find the right path for you even though you may not have chosen to have to do it. or  The one site that I find has the best information for those seeking spiritual growth.  I hope you enjoy meditation and follow the advise given on this site.
Please feel free to contact me 

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