Shine your light & stand tall.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

New Research focuses on hospital systems and staffing ratios. Feb 5th 2014.  An article by Steve Ford,  Survey: Nurses question impact of Francis report at front line.  Thankfully the media is reaching out to nurses who have not only been demoralized by being left to take care of patients with too few nurses due to a ten million pound budgetary cut at the Mid Staffordshire Trust.  In a survey of 526 nurses many felt that they received unfair criticism.  One third of the nurses surveyed had been assigned to care for 10 patients.  When this occurs, in addition to having new recruits to supervise and mentor the effects are reflected in the survey findings.  33% percent of nurses reported that patient safety was worse over the past twelve months and 65% had witnessed 'poor care' over the past months.  The BMJ is an international journal of healthcare improvement and addressed the issue of low nurse to patient ratios in May 2013.  Dr. Heather L. Tubbs-Cooley and five other researchers including Dr. Linda H. Aiken is entitled 'An observational study of nurse staffing ratios and hospital readmissions.'  Previous research has examined patient outcomes related to clinical data and demographics and this team of academics and clinicians now saw the need to examine the relationships between hospital systems factors.  A real break through for nurses who need to have more research to document the need for safe staffing ratios.
Staffing variations were compared to the benchmark for nurse to patient ratios mandated in the State of California of no more than four patients per nurse.  The role of the nurse was defined by the authors.  'During an inpatient stay, nurses identify and respond to changes in a patient's condition, educate patients and families on home management of diseases, devices, wounds and medications; and act as a final buffer during the transition from inpatient to outpatient.'
When nurses are overloaded with patients they manage the added workload by...'cognitively prioritizing responsibilities, where imminent clinical concerns and high uncertainty activities are addressed before routine care...Reduced nurse availability as a consequence of workload is also though to result in a decreased awareness of patient conditions and needs.'
The study concluded, 'Nurse to patient ratios are significantly associated with the likelihood of readmission.'
The idea of a systems approach to studying patient outcomes as it is affected by low nurse to patient ratios is building a more solid body of knowledge to support mandated nurse to patient ratios.  I encourage all nurses to send copies of this report to their local politicians. 
Nurses are put in jeopardy of risking their license and livelihood when working under these conditions and legislature needs to mandate safe nurse to patient ratios.

   When it comes to money - money is important!  If you have encountered an investigation or charges have been made against you I recommend that you become a nurse entrepreneur because cases can drag out for a long time and you need to be earning money.  LeaRae Keyes is not only an exceptionally nice person she is great at what she does in her tips on starting and running a business.  LeaRae has agreed to coach nurses who contact her from this site at  I wish you all well as you transition from nursing into the business world.
I recommend coaching because it helps to have someone in your corner when times are tough to get you up and back into making money in a business or service that you love.  Sue Bock is a coach who has such a wonderful personality and has overcome so much in her own life that she truly knows how to help others who aspire to achieve.  Email Sue at  
Cathy Hamilton is full of vitality and can help you to change your energy level through tapping which is a program based on  tapping gently with two fingers on certain acupuncture spots on the face, head and shoulders to help rewire your neural pathways. 
I wish you every success in your life and transition into the business world to earn the money you deserve.  Till next time, My Very Best Wishes, Rita.

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