Check this radio station out and see if you like the programs that are offered. Angela has a daily suggestion for the day that can help you deal with the stresses in life through her approach of combining spirituality and science. I will be listening with you. Marie Forleo is so smart and generous to give us so much for free to help us develop individually and as a group that I want to share more of her work. In this video clip she interview Ned Hallowell who has been a guest on the Oprah show as well as many others and teaches us how to focus. He suggests setting three daily goals that can be built upon. I particularly like his comments about reducing worrying through connecting with others in a community. He says to never worry alone as this can become toxic cause you to withdraw and disconnect. Get the facts. When you connect with others you are able to problem solve together. Another video by Maria that I hope will help you regain your confidence and trust in your abilities to move forward with your life
I encourage you to link with one another in your own communities and keep in touch by phone and on line. You will find the support that you need through connection and get through this difficult time. In fact you can think of the enormous boost that a flock of geese get by flying together in formation as opposed to going on the journey alone. Just to remind you to register for Margaret Lynch's next on line free video course. There are so many blessings just to help you recover as quickly as possible and to find your niche in business. The Nursing Times reports that two A&E Sisters who were struck off the register by the Nursing and Midwifery Council in July 2013 over the Mid Staffordshire Trust enquiry into poor patient care, appealed to the Royal Courts of Justice this week. The case was heard by Mr. Justice Mitting on February 11th and he ruled in favor of the order. In reading the comments made I had to agree - I have also known many nurse managers who are bullies and who intimidate staff. I hope nurses will make it their duty and business to document about these types of behaviors from bosses and file complaints.
Here is a link to a company that has a package designed to help you decide on career changes through an outlined program of questions. I hope that you find it helpful if you decide for instance on earning an MBA.
My very best wishes are with you as you work on personal development and find a professional career path or business start up that will bring you the money that you deserve. The many years of study that you have put into nursing should be of great benefit to you as you apply your knowledge and expertise to an area that is of interest to you.
Warm Wishes, Rita.
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